“Let’s turn this competition into a great one, not only doing it one more time, but to transform it into an excellent and memorable experience for everyone who is joining”
This was the encouragement that Mister Florentin Marinescu, the President of Romanian Federation of Martial Arts, transmitted to everyone, at the beginning of the 49th edition of the European Championship of Wado Kai, Romania, November 2022.

Organized by the Romanian Federation of Martial Arts in partnership with European Federation of Wado Kai, the event will be taking place at the Polivalenta Hall – Bucharest, between 11th – 13th of November 2022 and is welcoming more than 400 athletes, coming from 17 countries.
Encouragement messeges were already transmitted to the atheletes, by the official representatives:
- European Federation of Wado Kai – Mister Patrice Belrhiti (President)
- Romanian Federation of Martial Arts – Mister Florentin Marinescu (President)
- Romanian Ministry of Sport – Mister Carol Eduard Novak (Minister)
After 12 years, Romania is organizing for the second time this event, at such magnitude. Being at the 49th edition already, is transmitting the idea that dedication and passion can lead to passing over any obstacles that appear on the way, as Mister Carol Eduard Novak already said in his messege.
Starting with 10th of November, the official delegations are arriving in Bucharest, from countries such as: France, Italy, Hungary, Belgium, Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Holland, Spain, Sweden.
Some of the sports tests that the athletes will have during this event, in order to demonstrate their level of mastery are: Kumite solo and teams (female and male), Kata solo and teams (female and male), each of this tests being divided on categories of weight, age and rules.
The committee in charge with organizing the 49th edition of European Championship of Wado Kai: Mr. Sabino Frederico Tavares (President), Mr. Petre Bulmagă (Vice President), Mr. Andrei Ioan Tripa (Member), Mrs. Ana – Maria Gherghel (Member), Mr. Radu Ciucă (Member).
As Mr. Patrice Belrhiti (President of the European Federation of Wado Kai) said in his messege – we transmit special thank you for the idea of organizing this edition in Bucharest – and for hosting, to Mr. Sabino Frederico Tavares, and MAY THE BEST ONE WIN!
Financially, the event has been benefiting from the support of Ministry of Sports (Romania).
Post scriptum
RO – Varianta în romană a textului o regăsiți în postarea anterioară, de pe pagina noastră. Vă mulțumim!
EN – The Romanian version of this text, you can find it in the previous post on our page. Thank you!
We say thank you to all the people offering us informations for writing this article.
Article written and edited by: Ioana Lupescu (Project Manager – Communication and Image, Romanian Martial Arts Federation)
Phone: 0727.553.977; E-mail: office@fram.ro